The Manager’s Playbook
Our recent experience has shown us managers are missing a major tool in their tool belt. Not a book to read, or an exhaustive operational system to follow, but a simple playbook for managing employees and understanding company policies and processes.
So, we created one.
Enter the Manager’s Playbook - your one stop, go-to resource to manage the employee experience from recruitment to separation.
Our Manager’s Playbook provides tangible guidance and tools to navigate company processes and become a more engaged leader. These tools are customized using your company’s branding guidelines and tailored to each client’s wants and needs.
As companies grow and people turn over, it’s common for company policies and processes to become standalone or disjointed as they are often created as a reaction to an issue or new need. Often overlooked is the need to weave any new policy into the fabric of the company. The core values and mission should be visible throughout all policies and processes - from what questions are asked in interviews to what goals are developed and what benefits are offered. This Playbook with ensure your company’s vision, values and goals remain consistently enforced by your leadership team.
This is a flexible solution that can meet your needs and your budget! We have plans that provide you the essential customized Playbook as well as an enhanced plan with full-training program. Let us find a solution that works for you!
Reach out to learn more!
(775) 315-2285